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How does the brain transform experiences into memories,

and how does memory influence experience?

We study how attention and perception affect what we remember, and

how memory can in turn guide our attention, perception, and goal-directed behavior. 

the latest news

The Aly Lab is moving to the Department of Psychology at UC Berkeley in July 2024!! 

We'll be recruiting, so please get in touch if you are interested in joining the lab! Prospective PhD students can check out this FAQ (we will be looking at applications this Fall).


How do our predictions change over days and weeks?

Congrats to Hannah on her exciting paper exploring how multistep anticipation is

transformed over periods of memory consolidation! 

The paper is in press at Psychological Science, and you can find the preprint

on our Publications page.

Why are some people so good at learning and remembering obscure facts?

Trivia experts seem to be particularly good at linking new semantic knowledge to memory for the learning experience! Congrats to Monica and Lauren on their paper (in Psychonomic Bulletin & Review), which is featured in Scientific American! Check out the paper under our Publications tab, and keep your eyes open for some insights from Ken Jennings!

How do hippocampal computations support working memory?

In new collaborative work, we show seemingly distinct hippocampal contributions to long-term memory and working memory, and describe how this can be accounted for by computational models of the hippocampus. Find the paper on our Publications page!

How do we resolve competition between similar memories to behave adaptively?

Congratulations to Serra for her new preprint showing that hippocampal differentiation of competing memories reduces competition in visual cortex during memory-guided attention

Check it out on our Publications page!

What makes an image memorable?

Congratulations to Chey for their new preprint investigating the relationship between how an image makes us feel and how memorable it is. Check out the preprint on our Publications page!

How do we balance paying attention to the external world around us

vs. our internal thoughts and memories?

Congratulations to Craig for his new paper (in The Journal of Neuroscience) 

investigating how hippocampal networks switch between external and internal attention.

Check it out on our Publications page!

How does the brain help us predict the future?

Congrats to Hannah on her innovative new study showing that the brain hierarchically represents both the past and the future during anticipation. 

Check out the Publications page to read the preprint!

our philosophy

We like to do good science and have fun. At the same time, but also separately.

We are strongly committed to providing a positive, supportive lab environment.

To learn more, read our lab manual and browse our lab wiki.

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